Create own translation from POT files

From existing .pot file you will create .po and .mo file types:

  • .po file type created from .pot file and you will use this file for all further changes in translation
  • .mo file is created automatically during saving .po file, .mo file is the file which WordPress require to load translation

Each .po and .mo file must be saved in correct locale format which consists from Language Code and Country Code.
There are several exceptions when the country code doesn’t exist. The full list of supported languages and codes in WordPress is here Supported Codes. As an example look at Arabic. The result files would be and ar.po.

Correct locale formats for .po and .mo files names (both .po and .mo files using the same name):

– Theme Frontend – LanguageCode_CountryCode.po

example: fr_FR.po

– Theme Toolkit Plugin – themename-toolkit-LanguageCode_CountryCode.po

example: themename-toolkit-fr_FR.po

To create .mo files we recommend poEdit translation tool.